
日曜日, 4月 06, 2008

Wonderland Online!


What can i say...? Stell just linked me this new game and wow it sure looks interesting xD It's not really out yet, but the closed beta would launch on the 9th and im suppose to do some advertising in order to take part in it xD

I'm not really sure what i can say about it. well, basically an MMORPG thats FTP. theres characters for us to choose from to play, we can have our own house to deco with, have pets that tags along, ride monsters (or are they pets? >.<), go FISHING LOL, and even go 温泉!! lmao

So yeah, if you wanna check out more about it, the main website for it would be over here , <-- go click it and join me in playing the beta! xD お楽しみに!

spilt it.
posted by mei- at 11:49 午後



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